Analytical methods

ExperimentID EXA000071
ChemicalID CH0001591
Chemical Name Octachloropentadecane
Official Method No
Chromatography LC
Chromatography mfr. 1200SL, Agilent
Column Inertsil C4 250 mm x 4.0 mm, 5 μm
Column mfr. GL Sciences
Detector MS/MS
Detector mfr. 6460, Agilent
Ionization SRM-ESI-negative
Extraction Soxhlet Extraction
Extraction Details Extracted with Toluene
Clean-up 1st Solvent Extraction
Clean-up 1st Details Extracted with Hexane saturated acetonitrile, and then with Hexane
Clean-up 2nd Column cleanup
Clean-up 2nd Details 44% Silica gel sulfate; Florisil (Magnesium silicate); Eluted with Dichloromethane/Hexane (20:80)
Clean-up Spike
Syringe Spike
Recovery Correction
Instrument Detection Limit
Instrument Quantification Limit
Method Detection Limit 0.74 ng/g dry
Method Quantification Limit
Recovery (CRM)
Recovery (spiked)
Recovery (IS)
RegisterDate 2021/3/16
UpdateDate 2021/3/16