ExperimentID |
EXA000669 |
ChemicalID |
Chemical Name |
Triclocarban |
Official Method |
No |
Chromatography |
Chromatography mfr. |
Prominence UFLC XR, Shimadzu |
Column |
Ascentis Express C18 analytical column (2.7 μm, 100 x 2.1 mm) |
Column mfr. |
Supelco |
Detector |
Detector mfr. |
AB SCIEX QTRAP 5500 mass spectrometer, Sciex |
Ionization |
Extraction |
Extraction Details |
An aliquot (20 mL) of filtered water sample was spiked with internal standards and then loaded onto an Oasis HLB Plus Light cartridge. The analytes retained in the cartridge were eluted with methanol/MTBE (3 mL, 7:3 v/v), and the eluate was concentrated to 0.2 mL under N2 flow. The residue was reconstituted in acetonitrile/methanol/Milli-Q water (1 mL, 1:2:7 v/v/v). For analysis of compounds found at concentrations >500 ng/L in water samples, the sample was diluted 2-fold prior to instrumental analysis. |
Clean-up 1st |
Clean-up 1st Details |
Clean-up 2nd |
Clean-up 2nd Details |
Clean-up Spike |
Triclocarban-13C6 |
Syringe Spike |
Derivatization |
Recovery Correction |
96 ± 2.2 |
Instrument Detection Limit |
Instrument Quantification Limit |
Method Detection Limit |
0.00043 μg/L |
Method Quantification Limit |
Repeatability |
Standard |
Recovery (CRM) |
Recovery (spiked) |
Recovery (IS) |
Protocol |
Remarks |
Sample: water |
RegisterDate |
2023/1/16 |
UpdateDate |
2023/1/16 |