ExperimentID |
EXA000902 |
ChemicalID |
Chemical Name |
PCB170 |
Official Method |
No |
Chromatography |
GC |
Chromatography mfr. |
7890A, Agilent |
Column |
DB-1MS column (30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 |
Column mfr. |
Agilent |
Detector |
MS |
Detector mfr. |
5975C, Agilent |
Ionization |
EI |
Extraction |
Extraction Details |
Extracted with a mixture of acetone and n-hexane (1:1, v/v) |
Clean-up 1st |
Clean-up 1st Details |
Clean-up 2nd |
Activated silicagel column |
Clean-up 2nd Details |
Clean-up Spike |
13C12-PCB28; 13C12-PCB52; 13C12-PCB95; 13C12-PCB101; 13C12-PCB105; 13C12-PCB118; 13C12-PCB138; 13C12-PCB153; 13C12-PCB156; 13C12-PCB157; 13C12-PCB167; 13C12-PCB178; 13C12-PCB180; 13C12-PCB189; 13C12-PCB194; 13C12-PCB202; 13C12-PCB206; 13C12-PCB208; 13C12-PCB209 |
Syringe Spike |
13C12-PCB170 |
Derivatization |
Recovery Correction |
Instrument Detection Limit |
Instrument Quantification Limit |
Method Detection Limit |
Method Quantification Limit |
Repeatability |
Standard |
Recovery (CRM) |
Recovery (spiked) |
Recovery (IS) |
Protocol |
Remarks |
RegisterDate |
1970/1/01 |
UpdateDate |
1970/1/01 |