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Showing 101 to 106 of 106 entries
ProjectID SampleID Sample Chemical ExperimentID MeasuredValue Unit Remarks RegisterDate
PRA000026 SAA001312 Globicephala macrorhynchus Arsenite <3.00E+1 ng/g dry 2017/2/23
PRA000026 SAA001311 Phocoenoides dalli Arsenite <3.00E+1 ng/g dry 2017/2/23
PRA000026 SAA001310 Phocoenoides dalli Arsenite <3.00E+1 ng/g dry 2017/2/23
PRA000026 SAA001309 Phocoenoides dalli Arsenite <3.00E+1 ng/g dry 2017/2/23
PRA000026 SAA001308 Phocoenoides dalli Arsenite <3.00E+1 ng/g dry 2017/2/23
PRA000026 SAA001307 Phocoenoides dalli Arsenite <3.00E+1 ng/g dry 2017/2/23
Showing 101 to 106 of 106 entries