PRA000026 |
Reiji Kubota
(Ehime University)
Occurrence of several arsenic compounds in the liver of birds, cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sea turtles |
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MeasuredData |
2017/02/23 |
PRA000025 |
Adi Slamet Riyadi
(Ehime University)
Comparison of Trophic Magnification Slopes of Mercury in Temperate and Tropical Regions Case Studies on the Oregon Coast, USA, Sanriku Coast, Japan, and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia |
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2017/02/23 |
PRA000024 |
M.Y. Tominaga
(Sao Paulo State Environmental Company)
PCDD, PCDF, dl-PCB and organochlorine pesticides monitoring in Sao Paulo City using passive air sampler as part of the Global Monitoring Plan |
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MeasuredData |
2017/02/06 |
PRA000023 |
Hiroyuki Tanaka
(Fisheries Research and Education Agency)
Background Levels of PAHs in the Coastal Waters of Japan Based on Residual Concentrations of Bivalves |
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MeasuredData |
2017/01/27 |
PRA000022 |
Takaaki Itai
(The Uniersity of Tokyo)
Hypoxia-Induced Exposure of Isaza Fish to Manganese and Arsenic at the Bottom of Lake Biwa, Japan: Experimental and Geochemical Verification |
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MeasuredData |
2017/02/09 |
PRA000021 |
Birgit M. Braune
(Carleton University)
Declining trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and non-ortho PCBs in Canadian Arctic seabirds |
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MeasuredData |
2017/01/17 |
PRA000020 |
Rumi Tanoue
(Ehime University)
Uptake and Tissue Distribution of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Wild Fish from Treated-Wastewater-Impacted Streams |
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2017/01/13 |
PRA000019 |
Kei Nakayama
(Ehime University)
Occurrence of Glucocorticoids discharged from a sewage treatment plant in Japan and the effects of clobetasol propionate exposure on the immune responses of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to bacterial infection |
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2016/12/16 |
PRA000018 |
Tomohiko Isobe
(National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Hexabromocyclododecanes in human adipose tissue from Japan |
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2016/12/02 |
PRA000017 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and persistent organochlorines in Japanese human adipose tissues |
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2016/11/25 |
PRA000016 |
Akifumi Eguchi
(Chiba University)
Soil contamination by brominated flame retardants in open waste dumping sites in Asian developing countries |
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2016/12/12 |
PRA000015 |
Joon-Woo Kim
(Ehime University)
Contamination by perfluorinated compounds in water near waste recycling and disposal sites in Vietnam |
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2016/11/07 |
PRA000014 |
Mohd Yusoff Nurulnadia
(Kagoshima University)
Accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the polychaete Paraprionospio sp. from the Yodo River mouth, Osaka Bay, Japan |
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2016/10/27 |
PRA000013 |
Seiichi Uno
(Kagoshima University)
Bioaccumulation of nitroarenes in bivalves at Osaka Bay, Japan |
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2016/10/27 |
PRA000012 |
Seiichi Uno
(Kagoshima University)
Toxic evaluations of sediments in Tokyo Bay, Japan, using Japanese medaka embryos |
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2016/10/27 |
PRA000010 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) in the blood of mammals and birds from Japan: Lower chlorinated OH-PCBs and profiles |
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MeasuredData |
2016/10/14 |
PRA000009 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Spatial trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in avian species: Utilization of stored samples in the Environmental Specimen Bank of Ehime University (es-Bank) |
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MeasuredData |
2016/10/06 |
PRA000008 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Regional Trend and Tissue Distribution of Brominated Flame Retardants and Persistent Organochlorines in Raccoon Dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides ) from Japan |
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MeasuredData |
2016/10/03 |
PRA000007 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Persistent organochlorines in raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from Japan: Hepatic sequestration of oxychlordane |
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MeasuredData |
2016/09/28 |
PRA000006 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Occurrence of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in the brain of cetaceans stranded along the Japanese coast |
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MeasuredData |
2016/09/12 |
PRA000005 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
Dioxins and Related Compounds in Albatrosses from the Torishima Island, Japan: Accumulation Features by Growth Stage and Toxicological Implications |
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MeasuredData |
2016/09/06 |
PRA000004 |
Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs in wild terrestrial mammals from Japan: Congener specific accumulation and hepatic sequestration |
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MeasuredData |
2016/08/29 |
PRA000003 |
Tomohiko Isobe
(National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Contamination status of POPs and BFRs and relationship with parasitic infection in finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) from Seto Inland Sea and Omura Bay, Japan |
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MeasuredData |
2016/07/22 |
PRA000002 |
Kei Nakayama
(Ehime University)
Temporal and spatial trends of organotin contamination in the livers of finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and their association with parasitic infection status |
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2016/06/27 |
PRA000001 |
Daisuke Ueno
(Saga University)
Global pollution monitoring of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator |
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2016/05/31 |