*Welcome to ChemTHEATRE Wiki!! [#r7b6c7ba]

- Back to [[ChemTHEATRE:http://chem-theatre.com/]]
- For inquiry: [[mail to ChemTHEATRE :info@chem-theatre.com]]

*About ChemTHEATRE [#c62e174b]

''Chemicals in the THEATRE:Tractable and Heuristic E-Archive for Traceability and Responsible-care Engagement''

-ChemTHEATRE stores the environmental monitoring data scattered in the published papers and reports  in one database. ~
- Easy to download the monitoring data in text style~
-ChemTHEATRE stores the valuable data in tsv file, which is easy to use for analysis. ~

For Details of ChemTHEATRE => [[About:https://chem-theatre.com/about]]

*Advantages of submitting your data to ChemTHEATRE [#s21522c3]

** Your paper has more chance to be read, cited or used [#rb03671f]
** Your valuable data have more chance to be utilized in society [#i8ddeb51]
- ChemTHEATRE stores all the data in text style and allow users to export them in text style.~
=>This encourages researchers to utilize your data for modeling or risk assessment since ChemTHEATRE eliminates the time-consuming tasks such as converting the data in pdf or excel to text.
** You can use ChemTHEATRE as your online storage [#he45aa0f]
- You never lose your data and metadata, even after your students or researchers leave your lab.  
- You won't lose your data, even though your PCs are broken or lost.~

**Easy access to your own data as well as data provided by other researchers [#x5fdf55c]
- You can reach your data anytime and anywhere since ChemTHEATRE stores your data online.~
- You can review old data whenever you need.~
- It is easy to follow change of a chemical concentration over the years.~

**You can save time! [#r283d27f]
- ChemTHEATRE check the individual data before registration and store your data properly for you.
- You can use your time for your further research since ChemTHEATRE carry out the time-consuming task.

- ChemTHEATRE store your monitoring data, metadata such as sample info. and your paper/report as one project.~


(採取年月日、採取場所の情報(緯度経度、地名など)pH, 水温、気温、深度、学名、性別、成熟度、臓器・組織名、体長、重量など)~

*ChemTHEATRE収録データ活用の利点 [#d35ee4c8]
-水:μg/L,   生物/土/底質: ng/g  など
**論文等では「平均値」などでまとめられているデータもここでは実測値を収録 [#hd85f643]
**登録時に第三者がデータやメタデータをチェックし、確実な情報とデータのみを収録 [#r07bf592]
**場所、化学物質、時間といった様々なフィルターをかけてデータを閲覧可能 [#n776409b]
**経年、物質ごと、地域ごとの比較研究が容易に [#hdc9eb6e]

*データ登録の流れ [#vf99df61]

**1. register@chem-theatre.com へメール [#k448bc02]
--論文(supporting infoもあれば): pdfなど~

**2. 登録担当者が論文、生データを元にChemTHEATREのフォーマットに加工 [#tedf9bfa]

**3. ChemTHEATREへアップロード [#r633b0d2]

**4. 登録完了通知と共に、データ提供者にはデータ、メタデータを1つのエクセルファイルにまとめて返却 [#zb3cf73a]

*ChemTHEATREにはどんな情報が登録されている? [#s877739d]
- [[Submitterテーブル>Submitters]]

*データ検索の仕方 [#na183810]

*エクスポート機能 [#vf779dbf]
*サイトを利用するにあたり [#a29f404d]
-[[サイトポリシー :https://chem-theatre.com/pukiwiki/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=ChemTHEATRE_Manual_sitepolicy_20200129rev.pdf&refer=test]]
*学会等での発表 [#e9267ffa]

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