Welcome to ChemTHEATRE

ChemTHEATRE: Chemicals in the THEATRE [Tractable and Heuristic E-Archive for Traceability and Responsible-care Engagement] is the platform to deposit and visualize monitoring data of environmental contaminants more effectively than ever.

You can currently see so many monitoring data of environmental contaminants in scientific journals or reports by public organizations, but unfortunately in a variety of forms such as texts or excel files. That leads to poor use of such valuable data, which can be input data for the modeling and materials for validation.

To tackle this problem and make use of such data, we first put together such scattered data in one database: ChemTHEATRE, properly and well organized. It will ensure traceability of chemicals and help you simulate the environmental behavior and fate, or assess the risk. Moreover, ChemTHEATRE will make the prediction of global chemical pollution easier in cooperation with external database or other tools.

A web-interface to visualize global PCBs pollution is now available. Have a look at state-of-the-art numerical predictions of fate and transport of PCBs by the Finely-Advanced Transboundary Environmental model (FATE).

Released Entries

Sample Top10
Sample #Samples
Water 3655
Sediment 2216
Air 1719
Homo sapiens 1585
Water 314
Neophocaena phocaenoides 216
Soil 205
Mytilus galloprovincialis 179
Perna viridis 120
Peponocephala electra 98
Chemical substance Top10
Chemical #Data
Organochlorines PCBs 29098
Flame retardants PBDEs 20859
Organochlorines Co-PCBs 15200
PAHs 7058
Organochlorines 6808
PPCPs 6155
PAHs 4071
Organochlorines 3838
PPCPs 3587
Organochlorines PCDFs 3585
Contributor Top10
Submitted by #Project
Ehime University 55
Ministry of the Environment website 26
National Institute for Environmental Studies 9
Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency 6
Kagoshima University 5
Wadsworth Center (New York State Department of Health) 4
Kyushu University 2
Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection 2
Hokkaido Research Organization 1
The University of Tokyo 1

New arrival project

ProjectID Submitter ReleaseDate Title Publication
PRA000127 Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
2025/2/12 Multi-target analyses of persistent organic pollutants, halogenated natural products, and organophosphate esters in bivalves from Seto Inland Sea, Japan: Residue levels, profiles, and spatial trends
PRA000126 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2023/03/23 [MOE_JP] Japanese Nationwide Survey on Existence of PFOS and PFOA in FY2020 (Source: MOE Press Release: Result of FY2020 National Survey on Existence of PFOS and PFOA dated June 22, 2021 Japanese )
PRA000125 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2023/01/26 [MOE_JP] The Environmental Monitoring in FY2020 (Source: FY2021 Report of Chemicals in the Environment English / Japanese )
PRA000124 Rumi Tanoue
(Ehime University)
2023/01/16 Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in surface water and fish from three Asian countries: species-specific bioaccumulation and potential ecological risks 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161258
PRA000123 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2022/11/25 [MOE_JP] The Detailed Environmental Survey in FY2020 (Source: FY2021 Report of Chemicals in the Environment English / Japanese )
PRA000122 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2022/10/17 [MOE_JP] The Initial Environmental Survey in FY2020 (Source: FY2021 Report of Chemicals in the Environment English / Japanese )
PRA000121 Tatsuya Kunisue
(Ehime University)
2022/07/20 Comprehensive characterization of halogenated flame retardants and organophosphate esters in settled dust from informal e-waste and end-of-life vehicle processing sites in Vietnam: Occurrence, source estimation, and risk assessment 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119809
PRA000120 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2022/06/02 [MOE_JP] The Environmental Monitoring in FY2019 (Source: FY2020 Report of Chemicals in the Environment English / Japanese )
PRA000119 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2022/05/06 [MOE_JP] The Detailed Environmental Survey in FY2019 (Source: FY2020 Report of Chemicals in the Environment English / Japanese )
PRA000118 Open data
(Ministry of the Environment)
2022/01/25 [MOE_JP] The Initial Environmental Survey in FY2019 (Source: FY2020 Report of Chemicals in the Environment English / Japanese )