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Showing 22751 to 22800 of 34638 entries
ProjectID SampleID Sample Chemical ExperimentID MeasuredValue Unit Remarks RegisterDate
PRA000076 SAA004248 Sediment hexa-PCNs tr(1.20E-3) ng/g dry 6.00E-4 (LOD) < This value < 1.50E-3(LOQ) 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004247 Sediment hexa-PCNs 7.90E-3 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004243 Sediment hexa-PCNs 8.20E-3 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004239 Sediment hexa-PCNs <6.00E-4 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004402 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.80E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004398 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.80E-3 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004394 Sediment penta-PCNs <9.00E-4 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004390 Sediment penta-PCNs <9.00E-4 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004386 Sediment penta-PCNs tr(1.50E-3) ng/g dry 9.00E-4 (LOD) < This value < 2.30E-3(LOQ) 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004385 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.20E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004381 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.80E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004377 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.10E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004376 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.20E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004372 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.70E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004368 Sediment penta-PCNs 9.90E-3 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004364 Sediment penta-PCNs 6.70E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004363 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.70E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004359 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.10E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004358 Sediment penta-PCNs 9.50E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004354 Sediment penta-PCNs 5.20E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004353 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.50E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004349 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.10E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004345 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.50E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004344 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.00E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004340 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.30E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004336 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.40E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004335 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.40E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004334 Sediment penta-PCNs 4.30E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004330 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.80E+1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004329 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.10E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004325 Sediment penta-PCNs 8.60E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004321 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.10E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004320 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.80E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004319 Sediment penta-PCNs 7.30E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004315 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.00E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004314 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.80E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004313 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.30E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004309 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.40E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004308 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.30E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004304 Sediment penta-PCNs 4.30E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004300 Sediment penta-PCNs 5.70E-3 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004296 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.60E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004292 Sediment penta-PCNs 5.90E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004291 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.30E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004287 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.30E-3 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004283 Sediment penta-PCNs 3.70E-1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004282 Sediment penta-PCNs 4.50E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004281 Sediment penta-PCNs 4.50E-2 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004280 Sediment penta-PCNs 1.50E+1 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
PRA000076 SAA004279 Sediment penta-PCNs 2.60E+0 ng/g dry 2018/10/05
Showing 22751 to 22800 of 34638 entries